The APRO board of directors and the APRO vendor advisory committee met this week for the association’s annual fall board and committee meetings. In the past, the board spent the first day and part of the second day in committee meetings before the APRO board meeting commenced. This year’s agenda and focus took a different direction.
Upon their arrival, the board of directors heard an 18-month update report on the progress of each of the five strategic plan goals from APRO Executive Director Jill McClure. She shared some surprising metrics, including that the association has cut expenses by 33.5% since 2016. McClure reported significant progress in four of the five strategic goals, and that the association anticipates meeting its goal for positive cash flow 18 months earlier than the strategic plan’s deadline.

After the update, the board of directors divided into small workgroups to tackle specific questions and challenges with each of the five goals. The board members committed to action items for each of the strategic goals to ensure significant progress continues for the second half of the three-year strategic plan.

“This is a hard-working board. They jumped in and really tackled issues. Each of the directors offered contributions and ideas that will help continue the momentum we’ve already seen on the strategic plan,” observed McClure. “For an organization like ours to be successful, it takes volunteer leaders willing to serve. We appreciate that the board and VAC members spent time away from their businesses and families to work toward APRO’s mission.”
In April of 2018, the board of directors created APRO’s first strategic plan in fourteen years. The plan outlined five goal areas: to increase membership; to create initiatives for member engagement; to improve financial stability; to measure industry health; and to maintain a safe, legal environment for member businesses.

The vendor advisory committee (VAC) met and discussed ways of improving the annual convention, including new ideas for community engagement and giveaways for attendees. The committee also decided to meet annually at the APRO Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C., per the request of the APRO board of directors.
Vendor advisory committee members in attendance included: Al Benson, John Blair, Donna DiTrani, Rob Feliciano, Bill French, Michael Helton, Kelly McClellan, Greg Skinner, and Lauren Talicska.
The APRO board members in attendance included: Dennis Adams; Trent Agin, first vice president; Michael Bennett; Phillip Bumbry, David P. David, secretary; Bill French, VAC vice chairman; Chad Fosdick, Louis Garcia, immediate past president; Joe Gazzo; David Harrison; Michael Helton, vendor liaison; Chris Kale, Sr., president; Shirin Kanji; Gopal Reddy, second vice president; Adam Sutton; Terah Vail, treasurer; and Mark Connelly, past president; Jill McClure, APRO executive director; and Ed Winn III, APRO general counsel.