The APRO Charitable Foundation established the Scholarship Fund a over decade ago to help students connected with RTO pursue their college and trade school degrees. Since then, the APRO Scholarship Fund has awarded 522 scholarships, totaling in excess of $1 million.
APRO members can choose to donate to the APRO Scholarship Fund when paying their membership dues, or they can join APRO’s Society for Tomorrow. The Society for Tomorrow is an APRO initiative for members who have committed to ongoing annual contributions. A strong Society for Tomorrow ensures the Scholarship Fund continues to thrive, helping rent-to-own-associated youth build brighter futures for themselves.
Suggested annual contribution levels for Society for Tomorrow membership are:
Regent Level: $15,000 or more
Chancellor Level: $10,000-$14,999
President Level: $5,000-$9,999
Provost Level: $2,500-$4,999
Dean Level: $1,000-$2,499
Professor Level: $500-$999
Founding Level: $100-$499
Whether you want to make a one-time contribution or commit your continual support to the APRO Scholarship Fund, all donations are tax-deductible.
For more information about the APRO Charitable Foundation or APRO’s Society for Tomorrow, please email us at, or call us at (800) 204-2776.
State Associations
State Associations can combine their charitable efforts with the APRO Scholarship Fund. With this arrangement, APRO will:
- Add the State Association as an option on the scholarship application;
- Manage each scholarship applicant’s criteria evaluation; and
- Assist in distributing scholarship funds.
State Associations must define their contribution before APRO releases the scholarship application and must name their scholarship recipients(s) once the application process is complete.
For more information about combining your State Association’s charitable efforts with the APRO Scholarship Fund, please email us at or call us at (800) 204-2776.