The APRO Board of Directors serve as leaders of the association committees to tackle industry issues. Below is a list of current committees and the participating APRO committee members.
The Executive Committee performs a crucial role in the governance and strategic direction of APRO. Comprised of the board officers and chaired by the board president, the Executive Committee is responsible for chief executive oversight, strategic plan oversight, and developing agendas and direction for the full board.
- Michael Bennett (President)
- Dan Fisher (1st Vice President)
- Chad Fosdick (2nd Vice President)
- Trent Agin (Treasurer)
- Rachel George (Secretary)
- Staff Liaison: Charles Smitherman
The Finance Committee performs important duties related to the finances of the association, including working with staff to develop an annual budget for recommendation to the board, creating and overseeing policies regarding association investments and reserves, and reviewing financial reports and the annual 990 tax form.
- Trent Agin (Chair, Treasurer)
- Mark Connelly
- Chad Fosdick
- Dan Fisher
- Jerry Marshall
- Gopal Reddy
- Staff Liaisons: Charles Smitherman, Tulisha Wendele
The Government Relations Committee performs the significant role of overseeing the governmental affairs of the APRO’s federal and state legislative efforts, including lobbying and grassroots advocacy. The Committee also guides the planning and hosting of APRO’s annual Legislative Conference and provides input on the operation and focus of the APRO PAC.
- Bryan Pechersky (Chair)
- Dan Fisher
- Rachel George
- Mike Helton
- Gopal Reddy
- Travis Robbins
- Jonathan Rose
- Shannon Strunk
- Michael Wall
- Staff Liaison: Lisa Krabbenhoft
The Membership Committee supports the strategic goal to continuously grow and deliver value to APRO members while setting strategies for increasing and retaining membership.
- Rachel George (Chair, Secretary)
- Bill French
- Ernie Lewallen
- Travis Robbins
- Michael Strong
- Shannon Strunk
- Adam Sutton
- Staff Liaison: Amberlee Maya
The Nominating Committee is responsible for administering and overseeing annual elections for the APRO Board of Directors, including vetting nominees and identifying and recruiting potential candidates.
- Dan Fisher (Chair, 1st Vice President)
- Trent Agin
- Michael Bennett
- Michael Strong
- Adam Sutton
- Staff Liaison: Charles Smitherman
State Association Coordination
The State Association Coordination Committee facilitates and promotes all state association interaction with APRO, including organizing group meetings with state presidents, and providing input and oversight on state association services provided by APRO.
- Mark Connelly (Chair)
- Dennis Adams
- Bill French
- Ernie Lewallen
- Jerry Marshall
- Jeff Smith
- Staff Liaisons: Jen Troke, Tulisha Wendele
The Vendor Advisory Committee acts as an advisory committee to the APRO President and Board of Directors on matters affecting the annual national conference & trade show.
- Michael Bennett (Chair)
- Bill French
- Michael Helton
- Ernie Lewallen
- Staff Liaison: Jen Troke
The Engagement Committee investigates and promotes initiatives that further the connection and involvement of APRO members with the association and each other. The strategic initiatives include facilitating and meeting the networking, informational, and educational needs of members.
- Chad Fosdick (Chair, 2nd Vice President)
- Dennis Adams
- Trent Agin
- Jeff Smith
- Michael Strong
- Staff Liaisons: Jen Troke, Benji Colegio