Standing in front of Austin’s iconic “I Love You So Much” mural on South Congress Avenue, from left to right: Dale Anderson, Jaguar Holdings LLC, dba Eagle Rental-Purchase; Matthew Warren, RNR Tire Express; Terah Vail, FAN Sales & Leasing LLC, dba Aaron’s Sales & Lease Ownership; Adam Sutton, RNR Tire Express; Jessica Mahon, Countryside Rentals, dba Rent-2-Own; Jill McClure, APRO executive director; Adam Stark, Happy’s Home Centers; Sachin Rama, Impact RTO Holdings, dba Rent-A-Center; and William Lee Rappold, Summit Capital Partners, dba Rent-A-Center.
APRO’s new Emerging Leaders Council (ELC) had their inaugural meeting this week in Austin, Texas, where they worked together to draft the council’s charter. The group defined their purpose as a commitment to grow, develop, and serve the RTO industry through the use of advocacy, education, and relationships.

Members of the ELC discussed their hopes and expectations for the newly formed council and had one goal in common. They shared sentiments of wanting to make a meaningful impact on the RTO industry through service on the council. The group has already begun making programming plans to meet the needs of those who are new to the industry and all emerging professionals. The council members agreed that putting an age range on their audience is difficult. “Young professionals” is a term they decidedly will not use for their programs and events because they are focused on both up-and-comers and industry newcomers of all ages.
Stay tuned for ideas and updates from these goal-getters, and a fresh new take on APRO’s programming.