Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

APRO’s Inaugural Emerging Leaders Council

Earlier this year, we announced the new APRO Emerging Leaders Council [ELC], and introduced the inaugural members of ELC at the RTO World 2019 APRO Awards Luncheon and Business Meeting. The volunteers will be a sounding board for new ideas and will serve as ambassadors for the association and industry. APRO board members Adam Sutton and Terah Vail will serve on the council as board liaisons.

Please join us in welcoming the 2019-2020 Emerging Leaders Council and read more about them below.

Dale Anderson
Store Manager
Jaguar Holdings LLC, dba Eagle Rental

Dale Anderson, store manager of Jaguar Holdings LLC, dba Eagle Rental-Purchase, started as an account manager in 2013. Within two years, Anderson moved up the ranks to Store Manager leading one of the top producing stores in the company. He came to Eagle Rental after serving in the US Air Force for eight years in the 325th Security Force Squadron out of Tyndall Air Force Base. Anderson met his wife Porscha while they were both working for Eagle Rental-Purchase. Together, they have two children, Taylor and Dale, with another one due any day now. He attributes his success and continued development in the industry to his wife, who takes care of everything on the home front. Anderson also credits Joseph Fischer and Randy Lewis, owners of Eagle Rental-Purchase, who have taken him under their wings since day one, instilling in him their devoted work ethic and leadership.

Jessica Mahon
MarCom Manager
Countryside Rentals, dba Rent-2-Own

Jessica Mahon considers herself an idea girl and storyteller. She has a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and found her place as the Marketing Communication Manager at Countryside Rentals, dba Rent-2-Own for more than five years. Mahon studied digital marketing and is certified in how to share ideas on Google and Facebook. She has been a speaker at the last two RTO World’s presenting educational sessions that include topics such as Facebook algorithm and driving traffic through social media promotions. Meeting new people comes naturally to Mahon, and learning new things is a passion. Her favorite hobbies include spending time with her friends, family, and her dog, Apollo. She also loves traveling the world, where Mahon vows to one day meet Dolly Parton.

Sachin Rama
Analytics/Inventory Management
Impact RTO Holdings, dba

Sachin Rama began his career with Impact Properties, an investment company owned by APRO board member Shirin Kanji, in 2007 in the Hospitality division working in Operations and Hotel Management. In 2015, Rama transitioned to the newly formed retail division with the launch of Impact RTO Holdings, which acquired 40 Rent-A-Center store locations across the southeast. Over the past four years, Impact RTO has grown to be Rent-a-Center’s largest franchisee now owning and operating 75 locations. During the ramp-up period, Rama played an integral role for the company ranging from purchasing and accounting to most recently becoming the head of the Analytics and Inventory Management department. Rama holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Southeastern University and a Master of Science in Business Administration from the University of Tampa.

Rama is an active member within the rent-to-own industry and has been a part of multiple APRO, TRIB Group and Rent-A-Center conferences, best practice meetings, and panel discussions. Chosen by his peers, he was recognized with the 2019 James B. Vendors Choice Award for his dedication and support of the TRIB Group.

William Lee Rappold
Summit Capital Partners, dba

William Lee Rappold was born and raised with a strong work ethic in Baltimore, Maryland. Rappold joined the military out of high school enlisting as a military police officer. He always wanted to help others and felt that the military would be the best vehicle to do so. Rappold served just under six years when he medically retired. After being referred by a relative in the business for over twenty years, Rappold started work at the local Rent-A-Center. He has now been with company for more than five years and has seen the store grow into the largest Rent-A-Center franchise in the country. He attributes his wife Melissa and five children as the cornerstone of his success as it would not have been possible without their love and encouragement.

Adam Stark
Happy’s Home Centers

Adam Stark began his career in the rent-to-own industry after graduating from the University of Florida in 2012.  Happy’s Home Centers had just opened its second location and was looking to grow.  Having no previous experience with RTO in any capacity, Stark came in with a second-to-none work ethic, adaptability, and willingness to learn. He felt drawn to RTO’s unique characteristic of exposing an employee to every aspect of a business. While opening Happy’s third location, Stark continued to improve on his natural skills in collections, expense control, and inventory management. More importantly, he acquired experience outside of his comfort zone in sales, marketing, and recruiting.

In 2015, Stark received the opportunity to become an equity partner in Happy’s and move to his hometown of Jacksonville, FL, to open Happy’s 7th and 9th locations. He has since moved back to Tampa to assume responsibility of Happy’s administrative and back-end functions.

Stark married his wife Melissa, in February of 2018.  He enjoys cheering for the Florida Gators and Jacksonville Jaguars, the latter with far less optimism. Both he and his wife excitedly await the birth of their first child in late September. Stark is eager to serve the industry that has provided him with a great career and an even more promising future.

Matthew Warren
Corporate Development Director
RNR Tire Express

Matthew Warren received his Master’s Degree in Management and Administration with a concentration in Curriculum Design and Implementation. He invested thirteen years in the education industry training individuals, building quality programs, and shaping learning objectives around diverse learning styles. Warren developed and executed extensive training initiatives within multiple education districts, including online content creation, technology integration, and learning management systems analysis. He currently serves as the Director of Corporate Development at RNR Tire Express helping cultivate new company growth strategies, training initiatives and culture that centers on the company purpose statement, “SERVING our customers and not just providing them customer SERVICE.”

Next Steps for ELC

Next month, the ELC will have its inaugural meeting to create the council’s charter and to discuss ideas for upcoming programs.  “We are excited about this group’s involvement and their perspectives on our industry,” says APRO Executive Director Jill McClure. “It’s a diverse group; they have varied backgrounds, and a lot to offer that will help support and advance the strategic plan set by our board of directors.”

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