Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

David David Brings the Works to RTO World

While RTO World 2019, held early last month, featured many business innovations and product showcases, the trade show floor had the works. An RTO Works store, that is. APRO board secretary and recipient of this year’s Ernie Talley Lifetime Achievement Award David P. David—along with the help of Full-O-Pep and Countryside Rentals’ team members—created RTO Works, a 4,200-square-feet retail space designed to maximize sales opportunity in every product category.

RTO World attendees use the latest touch-screen technology to review a product catalog

RTO Works unveiled design, layout, merchandising and other innovative concepts that enhance rent-to-own stores and, in the process, attract more customers and boost sales. David and his team pulled out all the stops—from conceptualizing a real home experience to strategically showcasing smaller product offerings such as jewelry in built-in backlit counters. “The entire display was a big success,” shares David. “I hope that people left with at least one idea alone, but I think many left with several.”

So, can we expect RTO Works at RTO World 2020? “If the opportunity presented itself and it was feasible, I would say yes, but nothing is planned,” says David. “If we end of up in Indy for RTO World 2021, consider it done.”

Click here to see more photos of RTO Works.

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