Association of Progressive Rental Organizations | America’s Champion for Rent-to-Own

Latest RTOHQ: The Magazine Explores Hispanics and Rent-to-Own

Cover_400px_RTOHQJA16At the Fuse 2016 convention in Cincinnati, we rolled out APRO’s latest consumer research, which takes a deeper dive into successfully marketing to the Hispanic demographic. In the latest cover story of RTOHQ: The Magazine, “Nuevos Clientes en Renta a Compra,” we provide new insights on how to reach the fastest-growing market segment in the U.S.

Always one of APRO’s most read and appreciated contributors to RTOHQ: The Magazine is the association’s general counsel, Ed Winn III. In this issue, he explores the concept of enlisting credit reporting firms in rent-to-own to determine a customer’s payment risk. Because RTO is not a credit transaction, credit reporting hasn’t been widely used in our industry, but, as Winn explains, for some, it can be helpful.

Also in this issue, we are delighted to showcase the Tissots, a remarkable father-and-son combo who have given much to our industry for more than 30 years. Darrell has been retired for a number of years, but served as president of both APRO and TRIB Group while he created and built his Ohio-based business, Rent-2-Own. Now, Mike heads the company and has established himself as one of the top innovators in rent-to-own. He has also been treasurer on the APRO board and currently serves as president of the Ohio Rental Dealers Association and as treasurer on the TRIB Group board.

Most of you likely have flown Southwest Airlines or visited an Apple Store. There are many reasons why these two brands are so successful. With both, establishing a happy workplace culture is a big reason for their successes. Read our article about the importance of creating a cheerful rent-to-own workplace and converting—or ridding yourself of—the “Gloomy Gus” types who are harming your company’s culture.

Click here to read the entire July-August issue of RTOHQ: The Magazine.

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