Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

RTOHQuick Tips: Expandable Text

APRO’s new website was designed with you in mind! We studied our analytics to understand where our viewers were going and what was important to them. We made many changes to make our website more responsive to you and help you navigate faster and easier. In the coming weeks we are going to share different aspects of our new website that we know will benefit you and your staff. Expandable Text is a Plus! plus signsLet’s admit it, headlines grab our attention. They are the quickest way to determine if an article is going to interest us, or not. Bullet points work in the same manner by quickly putting relevant words and terms in front of us to determine if that is the information we are looking for. With APRO’s new website design, we decided attention grabbing titles with expandable text was the way to go!  No longer do you need to scroll through line after line looking for your answers.  Plus (+) signs are now your friend.  Click on them anywhere you see one, and detailed information will expand before your eyes.  When you are done, you can leave it as-is, or click the minus (-) sign to collapse the information.    

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