Association of Progressive Rental Organizations | America’s Champion for Rent-to-Own

Women’s Forum

APRO is pleased to announce a new leadership forum designed to connect and inspire the women of RTO and all those who support them. The goal is to build community, develop leadership skills, share ideas for success, and identify ways we can support each other in our love for this industry. The forum will feature an industry leadership panel, networking opportunities, and engaging activities.

Women’s Forum Attendees Will Be:

  • Building connections with others in the industry
  • Developing leadership opportunities and skills from experienced industry leaders
  • Enhancing the industry through troubleshooting from a women’s perspective
  • Tackling unique issues faced by women in the industry

This new pre-convention event will be held on Monday, August 5, 2024, from 4:00-6:00 PM, in conjunction with RTO World 2024 in Orlando, Florida. It is included with your RTO World registration.

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Women's Forum Speakers & Facilitators

Monica Bean - facilitator

Company Name & Location: Captive Management Services

Title and Years with the Company: Account Executive, 7 years

An Accomplishment or Project within Your Company or the Industry that Makes You Proud: Being a member of the Vendor Advisory Committee, I am honored to have the ability to connect with other vendors, dealers, and take a more active role within the industry. Our business works in a variety of different industries but RTO is above and beyond my favorite, it’s a big family and I’m proud to be a part of it.

My Life Changed When I Realized: You will never stop learning or have all the answers, and that’s okay!

What Words Do You Live By (or what’s your favorite expression)?: Comparison is the theft of joy - my high school summer camp counselor said this once and it has forever stuck with me. Especially in this day and age with technology, and as a woman, where we are constantly bombarded with ads or images that make us feel less than.

What’s Your Favorite Wine?: A rosé, but really tequila blanco.

Rachel Casey - panelist

Company Name & Location: Countryside Rentals, Ohio

Title and Years with the Company: Divisional Director, VP, 10 years

An Accomplishment or Project within Your Company or the Industry that Makes You Proud: Every time a person who works for me gets promoted I get that proud momma hen moment. That's what we are here for, to help grow the folks that work for us.

My Life Changed When I Realized: Being the best version of myself is way better than trying to be someone else.

What Words Do You Live By (or what’s your favorite expression)?: Live life on purpose.

What’s Your Favorite Wine?: YES! lol

Heather Cleek - facilitator

Company Name & Location: Cleek’s, Inc., Columbia, MO

Title and Years with the Company: Corporate Buyer, 4 years

An Accomplishment or Project within Your Company or the Industry that Makes You Proud: John, my husband and owner, promoted me to corporate buyer a year ago, but I’m most proud to be working beside him in our family business. We work well together, and I feel that we positively impact the lives of our employees and customers.

My Life Changed When I Realized: My life changed when I realized that my children were capable adults that did not need a micromanager as a mom. Then, I was able to find a new purpose working with John in our family business. I have found great satisfaction learning more about our industry and growing in my role as a buyer.

What Words Do You Live By (or what’s your favorite expression)?: I actually have two favorite quotes/words to live by that are inspired by experiences with family members. First, I had 2 deaf grandparents, and my grandmother knew Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan. Helen Keller said, “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. ...”. My heart guides a lot of my decisions, and I try to do all things wholeheartedly. Second, we have a son with Autism that has played Special Olympics for many years. Their motto is: “Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me brave in the attempt.” I say this motto every time I’m nervous to try something new or challenging for me. I think of all the athletes that have embraced this motto and I want to be like them. Courage can be so rewarding!

What’s Your Favorite Wine?: There is nothing better than a good bottle of Cabernet!!

Tricia Fisher - facilitator

Company Name & Location: Majik Rent to Own, Pennsylvania

Your Title and Years with the Company: Former Director of Company Culture. 8 years with Majik

An Accomplishment or Project within Your Company or the Industry that Makes You Proud: As the Director of Company Culture, I helped pave the way for Majik to be voted "One of the Best Places to Work in PA"

My Life Changed When I Realized: I don't have to be perfect

What Words Do You Live By (or what’s your favorite expression)?: You can do this!

What’s Your Favorite Wine?: Dry Rose

Julie Gonzalez - panelist

Company Name & Location: Majik Rent To Own, Lebanon, PA

Title and Years with the Company: Store General Manager, 8 years

An Accomplishment or Project within Your Company or the Industry that Makes You Proud: Becoming the first female million dollar and 2 million dollar manager for the company and also training, developing and mentoring different leaders in the company.

My Life Changed When I Realized: I can’t control what goes on outside, I can only control what goes on inside. Doing the inner work and focusing on bettering myself as a person and as a leader made all the difference in my life.

What Words Do You Live By (or what’s your favorite expression)?: “Whether you think you CAN or think you CAN’T, either way you are right.”

What’s Your Favorite Wine?: Moscato

Kacee Hayes - facilitator

Company Name & Location: Rentown (Pasco, WA; Lewiston, ID; Mountain Home, ID; Twin Falls, ID; Pocatello, ID)

Title and Years with the Company: President/Owner, 17 years (4 years as a partner, 4 years as the full owner)

An Accomplishment or Project within Your Company or the Industry that Makes You Proud: I recently rebranded, taking us from a franchise to a fully independent brand: Rentown. It's been rewarding to see all the design concepts and ideas we brainstormed come to life.

My Life Changed When I Realized: I can do it! Stepping into the role of a business owner. It's a continuous learning process, but the thrill of building something fuels my desire to keep growing.

What Words Do You Live By (or what’s your favorite expression)?: I really try to live by “every day is a new day.” There are definitely days that knock me down, times when I feel discouraged or defeated. But that's when I take a deep breath, maybe pour a glass of wine, and remind myself that tomorrow is a fresh start. I can't control yesterday, but I can choose how I approach today.

What’s Your Favorite Wine?: Red wines are my go-to, but I’m always open to all wines.

Julie Knight - facilitator

Company Name & Location: Central Rent to Own, Inc., Nampa, Idaho

Title and Years with the Company: Support the Big Guy/Pay the bills 😊, off and on for the last 25 years, more constant for the last 11 years

An Accomplishment or Project within Your Company or the Industry that Makes You Proud: This industry is so unique and supportive – I try to make sure I represent that in our company and in all areas of my life. The friendships I have made across the country because of RTO are invaluable to me – I guess not really my accomplishment, but rather carrying on the RTO love❤

My Life Changed When I Realized: That some of the balls I’m juggling (work, home, family, church, friends, etc.) bounce and some don’t when they are dropped – work will always bounce.

What Words Do You Live By (or what’s your favorite expression)?: Don’t pass up an opportunity to show someone you care about them.

What’s Your Favorite Wine?: Not a wine girl – but my spirit animal is Grey Goose.

Lauren Talicska - moderator

Company Name & Location: Arona Home Essentials, Headquarters in West Des Moines, IA (lives in Columbus, Ohio)

Title and Years with the Company: VP of Marketing & Communications, 4 years

An Accomplishment or Project within Your Company or the Industry that Makes You Proud: I started at Arona smack dab in some of the toughest times of the pandemic and when I came on board I was not only charged with the marketing and branding aspects of introducing us as a new brand, I was also the director of merchandising and in charge of purchasing. I am super proud of the work that I did to launch us and to set the company up for success right out of the gate. The work I did on purchasing was outside of what I had ever done before. Now in my current position where I can focus solely on marketing, I have the benefit of having the experience in that role. Marketing, Merchandising and Communications? I call that a triple threat!

My Life Changed When I Realized: That I don’t need to obsess over making myself something against my nature and to love who I am, and how I got here.

What Words Do You Live By (or what’s your favorite expression)?: Never stop learning. I am a self-proclaimed serial hobbyist and I wouldn’t change that for the world. I am constantly looking at things to see how they work, how they were made, and how I could do it.

What’s Your Favorite Wine?: I like a sauvignon blanc on a hot day, or a good cabernet with a filet! But my favorite is probably a prosecco- I just love bubbles!

Kathy Windsor - panelist

Company Name & Location: National Tv Sales and Rental, Lebanon, Mo

Title and Years with the Company: President, 37 years

An Accomplishment or Project within Your Company or the Industry that Makes You Proud: I’m very proud of the 10 years I served on the Board of Directors of TRIB and the head of the Furniture committee.

My Life Changed When I Realized: How fulfilling it was to give back to the community

What Words Do You Live By (or what’s your favorite expression)?: God, family, Rent To Own in that order

What’s Your Favorite Wine?: Masi Amorie

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