Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

Latest RTOHQ: The Magazine The Bill Keese Experience

Cover_400px_RTOHQMA17The March-April issue of RTOHQ: The Magazine is both groovy and a bit of a bummer. It celebrates the career of the soon-retiring Bill Keese, APRO’s executive director for the past 28 years. We hate to see him go, but are very appreciative of his service to the RTO industry and the association, as this cover story attests. Learn more about this maverick who, in addition to being a masterful politician, incredible boss and inspiring leader, is also an aficionado of psychedelia, was once one of the best cheerleaders in Texas and adores a lovely woman he’s known since high school. Plus, some of the leaders in the RTO industry reflect on Keese and his accomplishments. 

Fuse 2017: APRO’s National RTO Convention & Trade Show is just around the corner, May 9-11 on Galveston Island. In the January-February issue of RTOHQ: The Magazine, we highlighted all of the special events and registration particulars. In this issue, we provide the scoop on RTO Education Day, May 11, and the great mix of business experts and industry insiders who will help attendees learn, adapt and grow.

Also in this issue, Ed Winn III, APRO’s general counsel, reviews collection procedures in light of a new order issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. While the CFPB doesn’t have jurisdiction over rent-to-own, this order’s recommendations are still worth consideration.

While this May is Fuse month for the RTO industry, it’s also time to celebrate some of our favorite people: mothers. Find out how David Harrison, an RNR franchisee in Arkansas, is honoring not only his own mother, but all woman, especially single moms. On May 14, one lucky RNR customer will really feel appreciated!

Click here to read the entire March-April issue of RTOHQ: The Magazine.

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