Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

‘Tis the Season to Celebrate APRO Member Benefits

It’s that most wonderful time of year again, when the sounds of laughter, songs, and sleigh bells fill the streets ­‑ and it might be time to renew your APRO membership. APRO membership is one of the most valuable gifts you can give yourself in the RTO business!

What are the benefits of membership with APRO? That’s a great question! Come have a seat by the fire, sip some hot cocoa, and we’ll tell you all about it.

The #1 priority for APRO is to safeguard the industry and protect your investment. This is our PRIMARY value proposition: Keeping you in business!

  • At both the state and federal levels, we monitor legislation daily and alert members and state associations. We then strategize, help coordinate stakeholders, and communicate these issues.
  • APRO does 100% of the federal protection for the RTO industry.
  • With state legislation, losing a battle in one state can easily mean a domino effect in other states. APRO’s members-only alerts will keep you informed on the items that could affect your business and your livelihood. In 2019, APRO has averaged two alerts a month, informing members of pending legislative issues.
  • APRO association management services are offered to state associations to strengthen our state-level grassroots advocacy by providing consistency, organization, and expertise. Those services include financial management, meeting logistics, and marketing.
  • APRO manages the industry’s Political Action Committee to collect campaign contributions from members and donate those funds to campaigns, ballot initiatives, or legislation that affect rent-to-own.

Our education goals include creating consistency in practices, attracting and retaining customers and talent, marketing, and promoting a code of ethics. We support member success and the use of best practices to garner better results for members and the industry as a whole.

  • The code of ethics are standards that must be met. These standards help members avoid legal trouble, manage their reputations, and strengthen consumer confidence.
  • The APRO executive director and legal counsel frequently present and facilitate educational sessions to industry buying groups, state associations, and conventions. APRO also offers guidance on relevant speakers both inside and outside the industry for RTO events.
  • APRO provides education through our published content in our well-established digital and print communication channels. We produce a quarterly magazine, bi-weekly newsletter, and daily social media content. The new members-only portion of the APRO web site will provide updated state statutes, educational videos, and industry research.

We create and share positive public relations on behalf of our industry. Our PR is tied to all legislative efforts as it impacts lawmakers’ opinions and the opinions of their constituents.

  • APRO regularly handles media calls regarding the industry. APRO shares industry news with its members, the public, and lawmakers.
  • APRO is the official news and information source for its members and the industry. Members rely on APRO to share and learn about what’s going on in the industry.
  • APRO is the steward of key industry data and reports. Historically, entities such as the FTC have contacted APRO for up-to-date information on industry standards and research. Members, analysts, and investors frequently request our data to determine the industry climate. As a member, you receive access to this information that can help you with decision-making and acquiring funding.

We are the legal authority for the industry.

  • APRO’s legal advice is a member benefit with both RTO-specific and wage & hour attorneys available for guidance. Email or call us at 800/204.APRO with your legal questions.
  • APRO saves members money and time by offering this service—providing counsel to help keep members and the industry out of legal troubles. The settlement for an average employee lawsuit is around $40,000.

Coming together with peers to share experiences is important, and APRO provides opportunities to do that.

  • APRO is a conduit for RTO peers to share ideas and learn from each other. This sense of connection also helps retain strong talent in our industry.
  • We offer and promote dedicated time and spaces for newcomers to connect and build relationships with peers. APRO provides peer meetups at our annual convention and facilitates digital communities for peer groups throughout the year. Email to join our list of industry newcomers and receive special invitations to our member events and online forum.

APRO fosters the industry’s goodwill through its Charitable Foundation. APRO administers fundraising efforts and manages the application, vetting, processing, and disbursement of funds.

  • Through our scholarship fund, assistance is available for the rent-to-own employees and their children to further their education.
  • Through our disaster relief fund and the generosity of our member donations, we administer financial assistance to employees of member companies in the wake of natural disasters.

So, this holiday season consider the gift of a new APRO membership or renew your existing membership to keep all these benefits coming in the new year. That’s a wrap!

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