Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

Operation Gratitude at Fuse 2017

OP_GRAT_BnR_full_logoThis year’s Fuse convention attendees will have the opportunity to let those who serve and protect us know we are thinking of them. Operation Gratitude annually sends 200,000+ care packages filled with food, entertainment, hygiene, and handmade items, plus personal letters of appreciation to Veterans, First Responders, New Recruits, Wounded Heroes, their Caregivers, and to individually named U.S. service members deployed overseas and their families waiting at home.Their mission is to lift the spirits and meet the evolving needs of the Military and First Responder communities, and provide volunteer opportunities for civilians anywhere in America to express their appreciation to all who serve our nation.

Since its inception in 2003, Operation Gratitude volunteers have shipped more than 1,600,000 care packages.

The APRO Giving Back project area will be located near the APRO registration desk at the Galveston Island Convention Center on Education Day, Thursday May 11, from 8 a.m.-Noon. Stop by for as little or as long as you like and help put together care packages for those who risk so much to keep us all safe.

Click here to read more about Operation Gratitude

Haven’t registered for Fuse: APRO’s National Rent-to-Own Convention yet?  Click here for registration and hotel information.


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