During this Thanksgiving season, Kappa Investments LLC dba Buddy’s Home Furnishings extended its tradition of goodwill by hosting its annual turkey giveaway. Across eight Virgina-based Buddy’s stores located in Lynchburg, Roanoke, Danville, Roxboro, Collinsville, Harrisonburg, Bedford, and Madison Heights, a total of 80 turkeys were generously distributed to customers.
For Kappa Investments President Jerry Marshall, this turkey giveaway stands as a time-honored tradition. Since Marshall’s start in the business in 2010, the Thanksgiving turkey distribution has been a consistent gesture of community support.
“Our customers get excited for our giveaways and feel valued as we put in the effort to secure the turkeys,” says Marshall. “Everyone can use a lift sometimes, and we feel giving these turkeys away – particularly in today’s financial climate – really makes a difference for our clients.”