Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

RTO World 2023 Speaker Series: Dailey Wilson

In this series, learn about RTO World 2023 speakers, and what you’ll take away from their education session.

Dailey Wilson, Partner, Hudson Cook, LLP

Tell us more about yourself and your interest in sharing your RTO expertise with others. What motivates you to share the “secrets of your success”?

I want to make sure RTO providers are doing their best to comply with consumer protection laws and regulations, as well as their specific state RTO statutes. Federal and state regulators and attorneys general are becoming increasingly interested in the RTO space and, as a result, compliance is becoming increasingly important. 

Describe your session at RTO World 2023, and what attendees can hope to walk away with, e.g., actionable advice, new ideas, etc.

My session is going to address hot topics in data security and privacy laws. I think many RTO providers aren’t aware of the myriad of state and federal laws and regulations regarding privacy and data security that could apply to them. Those coming to my session will come away with an understanding of the privacy and data security measures federal and state regulators expect RTO providers to implement.

What’s your favorite saying or word and why is it important to you?

My favorite saying is “Strive for Progress, Not Perfection.” As a first-born child and overachiever, this is something that I have to remind myself of all the time. I actually have this printed out and taped to my computer to serve as a continual reminder. 

What makes you laugh?

My kids! Last week we went to a state park and my youngest said to me, “I am so excited about the Steak Park. I LOVE steak!” Upon arrival she looked around and said “There isn’t any steak here…”

Want to learn more from Dailey? Be sure to register for RTO World 2023!

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