Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

2023: A Day in the Life in RTO | Sachin Rama

2023: A Day in the Life in RTO | Sachin Rama

Name: Sachin Rama

What’s your current role/title?

I’m Director of Finance & Administration at Impact RTO Holdings dba Rent-A-Center.

Years in RTO:

Almost 8 years.

What did you do before you began working in RTO? 

I worked in hospitality management for various hotel brands.

How did you find your current position?

I actually worked for Impact within their hotel business units. When Impact RTO acquired their first 40 locations, they approached me to see if I’d be interested in doing something new. I was ready for a change and a challenge!

What do you do in a typical day or week?

A normal week for me is divided into two main buckets: cash flow and inventory management. An important part of my role is managing the company’s cash flow. Not only do we review and reconcile our 70+ stores’ transactions daily, but we also ensure our vendors are paid on-time. Additionally, I review the needs of our stores to ensure they’re properly stocked with new inventory. We try to make sure the right mix of products are stocked in every store to maximize sales.

What are the benefits of working in RTO?

Rent-to-own is one big family! Owners and operators come together at various shows and help each other succeed whether or not they’re competitors. We all have a common purpose – to serve our customers – which is just what we all do!

What do you love best about your job or employer?

The family culture. We have great co-workers who strive for both personal and company success.

How do you manage work-life balance?

Staying organized is an essential part of my work-life balance. I’ve learned how to prioritize key tasks above others, and delegate where applicable. It’s important to understand you don’t have to do it all. Once I changed my mindset, the rest fell into place, letting me spend more time with my friends and growing family.

What do you predict will change in the rent-to-own industry over the next five years?

More and more customers are shifting toward online ordering, so I think we’ll see a continued decline of in-store traffic. It’ll be important for our industry to move quickly on online orders and continue to maintain the level of customer service that comes with each sale.

You can connect with Sachin Rama on LinkedIn.

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