Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

Rent-A-Center Franchisees Gather for Summer Retreat

From left: CEO Mitch Fadel, VP of Franchise Michael Landry, and EVP Cathy Skula.

Rent-A-Center Franchising International Inc. (RACFI) recently hosted its Franchise Summer Retreat at the Ritz Carlton in Sarasota, Florida. The event brought together franchisees from all three of its brands — Rent-A-Center (RAC), RimTyme, and ColorTyme — for a chance to relax, reconnect, and discuss initiatives for the rest of 2021.

Opening day events included a Vendor Appreciation Reception and a Welcome Reception and Dinner held in the resort’s Healing Garden. RACFI also included awards and recognition for its franchisees with outstanding accomplishments.

“The last 12 months have been some of the most challenging we have ever seen in both our lives and our businesses,” said RAC Executive Vice President Cathy Skula. “We could not be more proud of how Rent-A-Center and our franchisees of each brand continued to serve our customers safely throughout the pandemic and provide them with the essential items they needed. It’s so great to see all of our franchisees and their families again, and gather together as we have always done for our Summer Retreat.”

RAC Executive Vice President Cathy Skula focuses on the achievements of the company’s franchisees.

In the General Session, Rent-A-Center CEO Mitch Fadel offered franchisees his insights into RAC’s success, and the terrific opportunities he sees for the rent-to-own and lease-to-own marketplace for both RAC and its RACFI franchisees. Rent-A-Center corporate support executives shared data on the latest trends observed across the RAC network and outlined how recent investments have readied the company for future excellence. The group also enjoyed a relaxing beach day, and a farewell dinner with music and entertainment for everyone. 

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