Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

2021: A Day in the Life in RTO | Tiernan Boland

Name: Tiernan Boland

What’s your current role/title?

I am the in-house staff writer for The Premier Companies.

Years in RTO: I have worked for Premier since September 2018. This was my introduction to the RTO industry.

What did you do before RTO?

I was the social media and venue coordinator at a winery and vineyard in Crozet, Virginia. I also spent a few seasons coaching ski racing in Canada.

What do you do in a typical day or week?

My role at Premier has evolved during my three years here. Originally, I was in more of a catch-all position, but the goal was always for me to help develop the materials and resources Premier needed to grow the business. Every day and week are different depending on what project we have up next. Our Monday meetings with the corporate team allow me to check in and develop a plan for the week. I often collaborate with department heads, and work mostly in InDesign and Google Docs.

How did you find your current position?

Trooper Earle, our CEO who is also my stepfather, had been looking for a copywriter to begin a series of projects. Studying English in university and my experience developing marketing materials at the winery gave me the foundation of skills he was looking for. After hearing about his company for years, I was eager to learn about it first-hand, and feel fortunate that he thought of me for the position.

What are the benefits of working in rent-to-own?

I think the biggest benefit has been the introduction to some of the hardest-working people I’ve ever met. Everyone is so innovative and imaginative when it comes to making their business thrive. I’ve learned a lot about what it takes to be successful.

How do you manage work/life balance with your role?

There are definitely times when a deadline is approaching and I will prioritize sending that final draft rather than getting a full night’s rest. But for the most part, I am able to find balance with work life and regular life. My position has always been remote, and this allows me the freedom to exercise when I need a reset and to get an early start to the day when I know there is a lot on my to-do list. I think that setting realistic deadlines, as well as having goals each day, is important to the quality of your work. Once my checklist for the day is done, I turn off my computer and spend time with family, either cooking or being active. 

What do you predict will change in our industry in the next five years?

The structure of rent-to-own has always been approachable, but I think the flexibility it offers is especially attractive to the upcoming generations. I think we are in a unique position to grow with our customers and adapt our marketing techniques to work with their lifestyles.

How did you prepare for your role in RTO?

I came into this position with little understanding of the RTO world, but was eager to learn. I think the creative part of my brain loved the challenge of absorbing a new vernacular and subject matter. Writing with the purpose of informing and training was a learning curve, but the resources we have developed over the last few years are a great reminder of our teams’ efforts.  

What do you love most about your job or employer?

I really appreciate the positive reinforcement from my teammates when I take initiative on a project. Our CEO, Trooper, has recognized the time and effort I put toward generating a great product, and he has always encouraged me to take leadership roles when the opportunity arises. There is no better way to motivate your team members than by recognizing their strengths and encouraging their development.

To connect to Tiernan, you can add her on Instagram: @tiernanboland.

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