APRO member Ideal Software Services Inc. has announced a new VP of Operations. Dave Scarafiotti has been selected to take over this role. Ideal has been a part of the rent-to-own industry for 35 years.
Enos Barger, the previous VP of Operations, has decided to explore a new business venture. Ideal thanks him for five years of service and for his commitment to supporting the industry’s growth, the advances he led for Ideal, leading his team, and his focus on customer relationships.
Scarafiotti has operations knowledge and experience in both RTO and the personal loan industry. He has been VP of Operations for previous RTO companies and has spent five years as a franchise owner/operator. Scarafiotti has been the Regional Vice President with TMX-Financial for the last three years and is now expected to continue leading more growth for Ideal.
When asked about his new role, Scarafiotti said, “I look forward to continuing the relationships already in place and ensuring that our excellent support continues, while looking for ways to improve, leading the most exciting innovations available to RTO, as well as working with the new clients that are making the move to VersiRent.”
Ideal asks for those interested in reaching out to Dave to welcome him or seeking assistance to email him at dscarafiotti@idealss.com.