Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

Audit Advantage Takes Proactive Steps to Protect, Assist RTO Businesses

April 23, 2020, Salt Lake City, Utah – APRO vendor member and Legislative Conference sponsor Audit Advantage has announced new services and supports to help rent-to-own businesses continue to thrive in the volatile economic climate created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to its Director Thomas Vavrin, the company is more committed than ever to ensuring RTO merchants can affordably protect their credit card revenue and reduce their credit card costs during this period. “We want to do everything we can to help while RTO businesses are struggling to keep their doors open,” he says. “Lowering fees and expanding services is our way of demonstrating compassion for their circumstances.”

Vavrin warns this is the worst time for business owners to ignore their credit card processing environments. He notes cybercriminals are taking advantage of the business slowdown to ramp up their activities, including hacking into businesses’ credit card processes.

Three no-cost programs comprise the heart of Audit Advantage’s response to these threats:

  • 90 days of free monitoring and auditing of RTO businesses’ credit card processing processes and costs.
  • 90 days of free auditing of businesses’ compliance with their managed Payment Card Industry (PCI) regulations, agreements and protocols.
  • 90 days of access to the full reduction in credit card processing fees achieved through the company’s Audit Advantage’s REDUCE program.

Audit Advantage’s compassionate response goes beyond the three no-cost programs.

“We are also reaching out to other businesses in the credit card processing space, including companies similar to ours and software companies, to encourage them to reduce or eliminate their fees,” says Vavrin.

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