Association of Progressive Rental Organizations | America’s Champion for Rent-to-Own

APRO Hosts Industry Support Line in Wake of Crisis

APRO dealer members from 24 States came together on Monday on the Industry Support Line call via video conference to hear updated information from several panelists concerning the Coronavirus, and to discuss what’s happening in their area and in their stores.

The video conference, which lasted almost 2 hours, had participation from 36 rental dealers representing 22 different rent-to-own companies. The group was comprised of independent rental dealers, as well as franchise dealers from Aaron’s, Buddy’s, Rent-A-Center and RNR Tire Express. Participants heard from APRO’s Wage and Hour Attorney Brian Farrington with Cowles Thompson about the newly enacted Families First Coronavirus Response Act. APRO’s General Counsel Ed Winn III provided an update on the legislative front and the Executive Orders being put in place by States. APRO-endorsed insurance agent Jeanette Beardsley with Relation Insurance Services gave members an overview of insurance coverage issues. Following the presentations by the panelists, members were able to ask questions and share their concerns with each other.

If you are interested in participating in a future Industry Support Line call or would like to provide content for discussion, please call 800/204-2776 or contact us at

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