Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

Aaron’s Teams with Former NFL Stars To Provide “Homes For The Holidays”

The 150th home by WDC went to Newark resident Beatrice McKay, a Liberian refugee and mother of two.

APRO member Aaron’s, Inc. and its divisions Aaron’s and Progressive Leasing, joined forces this fall with former NFL greats Kurt Warner and Warrick Dunn to provide furnishings for seven “Homes for the Holidays” surprise presentations, representing a $70,000  commitment to help first-time homeowners.

The donations came in collaboration with Warrick Dunn Charities and Kurt Warner’s First Things First Foundation, two organizations that have counted on Aaron’s as a critical supporter for more than 15 years. The Warrick Dunn Charities helped families in Augusta, Georgia (Sept. 17); Lilburn, Georgia  (Oct. 1); St. Petersburg, Florida (Oct. 15); Atlanta, Georgia  (Nov. 5); and Nashville, Tennessee (Dec. 17). Meanwhile, the First Things First Foundation changed the life of a family of four in Mesa, Arizona on Nov. 22.

“Homes for the Holidays” celebrates single parents who are actively working to help themselves through first-time homeownership by alleviating the additional financial burdens that can come along with a new home. While the homes themselves are constructed and financed through Habitat for Humanity, the surprise comes when the families discover the houses are fully furnished and stocked thanks to Aaron’s, with Warrick Dunn Charities and the First Things First Foundation also providing down-payment assistance.

“We are so grateful to Warrick Dunn and Kurt Warner, whose tireless work means these families can now proudly call themselves homeowners,” said John Robinson, CEO of Aaron’s, Inc. “These partnerships benefit single parents everywhere, and Aaron’s is honored to help give these deserving families the support they need to truly own the life they want.”  

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