Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

Strunk Named RNR Woman of the Year at Franchisee Conference

Cynthia Strunk Named RNR Woman of the Year at Franchisee Conference

Longtime APRO member and Hall of Honor recipient Cynthia Strunk was honored again by her industry this week, accepting RNR Tire Express’ Faye Sutton Award, acknowledging Strunk as RNR’s Woman of the Year. Strunk received the award – named for RNR founder Larry Sutton’s late mother – at the company’s 16th annual Franchisee Conference, held in Tampa January 7-9th. All of RNR’s 26 franchise groups attended the conference, including 180 owners, managers, operators and staff representing the company’s 116 stores in 22 states nationwide.

“The number of franchisees and managers that attended speaks volumes in terms of the importance and validity of the content being discussed,” shared RNR Franchise Development Coordinator Tracy Cintron. “Attendees clearly wanted to be there; they truly felt the great value of the event.”

RNR’s Franchisee Conference included a welcome reception, open forums, a vendor show featuring more than 15 wheel-and-tire vendors and the awards dinner, where Strunk was honored among her esteemed peers: Chris Wisniewski and Robert Roller, Friend Tire, Vendor of the Year; Larry Carrico, RNR Missouri, Mike Kent Pioneer Award; Dustin Wright, Wright Leasing, Leadership Award; Rusty Adkinson, Rental Concepts, Multi-unit Operator of the Year; and Keith Ferriman, Buckeye Wheel and Tires LLC, Best New Franchisee of the Year; and Larry Carrico and Rich Bergman, RNR Missouri, Franchise of the Year.

Executive Vice President Adam Sutton presents RNR branding

Additionally, attendees enjoyed two days of general sessions designed to bring participants up to speed on RNR’s 2019 goals. Speakers included RNR Tire Express Founder and President Larry Sutton, Executive Vice President Adam Sutton and Director of Corporate Development Matthew Warren, who addressed business development and personal growth for RNR success. Keynote speaker Bryan Dodge empowered the group with an inspiring, educational and actionable presentation intended to help franchisees awaken the potential within themselves.

“It’s always great to have all of our franchisees and vendors together, this year we had record attendance and celebrated our best year ever with record breaking revenue and customer growth,” concludes Sutton. “In 2018 we had over 110 thousand installations, over $160 million in revenue and over $1 million dollars in charitable donations! We are looking forward to even greater success in 2019!”

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