The Oklahoma Rental Dealers Association will hold its Route 66 Meeting & Tradeshow on October 7 and 8 at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Tulsa. Longtime RTO veteran and APRO Hall of Honor recipient, nicknamed the Reverend of Rent-to-Own, Larry Sutton will be the guest speaker at the event.
Sutton has been a member of APRO for over 20 years as well as a member of the Hall of Fame and has experienced quite the journey. Dreaming big, Sutton transitioned from rental dealer to founder and CEO of multimillion-dollar franchise RNR Tire Express and Custom Wheels that is now the fastest-growing tire and custom wheel franchise in the country.
Also on the agenda is golf, a welcome reception, “Hour of Power” Hot Show, poker tournament, trade show, education sessions and the ORDA state association meeting. For more information, contact Clifford Guy at 813/361-4086,
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