Association of Progressive Rental Organizations | America’s Champion for Rent-to-Own

Fuse’16 Education Day Spotlight!

Mike Tissot, Rent-2-Own & Mark Connelly, Aaron’s
Fuse 2016: APRO’s National RTO Convention & Trade Show’s Education Day is the only place you can find a full spectrum of educational offerings just for you, the rent-to-own professional! Here is just a sample of what you will find in Cincinnati this May: Vote RTO 2016: Get your customers’ & your team’s vote! Presented by Mike Tissot of Rent-2-Own Vote RTO will explore the concept of attracting and retaining both customers and staff. The votes come from our fabulous RTO customers in the form of renewal payments and the votes come from our teams when they show up engaged for work. As RTO business professionals, we must identify our “base” and craft the perfect message to reach them. That message must be relevant and memorable, if we expect to get votes week after week or day after day. After the seminar, you will leave ready to craft your store message and increase your own voter turnout. Goal Setting Presented by Mark Connelly of Aaron’s Sales & Lease Ownership Having trouble defining, let alone reaching your goals? Mark Connelly will show you the format to use in a typical RTO store to set and follow up on sales goals. You will receive “sales goal board sheets” examples for your own stores as Mark walks you through the process in this interactive session. This seminar is designed for the store-level as well as the multi-unit RTO professional to help you reach success! You’ll find these sessions and more at Fuse 2016 in May 10-12! ROOMS ARE SELLING OUT FAST! The Cincinnati Marriott RiverCenter has sold out, but you can still reserve your room at the Embassy Suites Cincinnati RiverCenter, which is right across the street from the Northern Kentucky Convention Center, where all events are taking place. Register TODAY! Click here for full Fuse 2016 events and details.

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