Association of Progressive Rental Organizations | America’s Champion for Rent-to-Own

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Boost Your AI Knowledge from Literally Zero to Organizational Hero Webinar

April 16, 2024 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm CDT
Join us for an eye-opening webinar where we’ll teach your team the basics of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This webinar is designed for AI newbies who haven’t had a chance to catch up with this new technology that is changing the way we work as we speak! Hear from Bruce Ellis, the Executive Director of the Texas Computer Education Association, who will share all the latest and greatest with us in a way that everyone can easily understand. In this engaging session, we’ll share how AI works including all the resources you can manage that you can play with after the session ends. We also want to understand how you’re using AI and begin thinking about all the ways AI might transform our RTO processes from marketing to inventory management, customer relations, and beyond. Become your organization’s unsung hero and save the date for this exploration of AI tools and discussion on how AI will shape the future of Rent to Own. This is also a fantastic opportunity for those already in the AI space to share how you’re currently using AI, enhancing the learning experience for everyone involved.