Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

Ruiz-Perez Wins FRDA Volunteer Award

Daniel Ruiz-Perez was awarded the 2024 Kirk Kaye Volunteer Award.

Daniel Ruiz-Perez, a Regional Manager with APRO member Impact RTO Holdings dba Rent-A-Center, recently received the second-ever Kirk Kaye Volunteer Award from the Florida Rental Dealers Association (FRDA).

The award was established last year to honor Kaye, a great rental dealer and exemplary role model who died in October 2021. Kaye’s wife of 31 years, Cecilia Kaye, selects each year’s award winner from submitted nominations.

Ruiz-Perez grew a failing store location to double its size two years ago, and was promoted last year; he currently oversees Impact RTO’s Jacksonville, Florida, market.

“Daniel enjoys life and brings a smile to everyone around him,” said Paul Metivier, former FRDA President and Impact RTO’s Vice President of Operations. “He has a kind of light about him, and you can always hear his laugh at team events. But it’s what he does beyond the workplace that makes him even more special.”

Ruiz-Perez is a key supporter for CAN Community Health in Sarasota, Florida, a nonprofit committed to excellent healthcare based on inclusion, compassion, and respect for all communities. A former nurse, Ruiz-Perez often uses his vacation time to travel the world and care for patients suffering with HIV, Hepatitis C, and other sexually transmitted diseases; this past year, he visited Mexico and Peru. He also speaks publicly to help eliminate the stigma surrounding HIV and the gay community.

“Daniel truly embodies Kirk Kaye’s volunteer spirit,” Metivier said. “There’s no better candidate for this special honor.”

Daniel Ruiz-Perez uses his vacation time to care for patients, both locally and across the globe, working to dismantle the stigma surrounding HIV and the LGBTQ+ community.

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