Association of Progressive Rental Organizations | America’s Champion for Rent-to-Own

Barn & Storage Rental Association Renames, Rebrands

APRO member the National Barn & Storage Rental Association (NBSRA) recently held its 2024 Annual Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan – with APRO CEO Charles Smitherman as a special invited guest of the organization’s Board of Directors.

It was the NBSRA’s 14th such event, and remarkable because it was the last Annual Conference for the association under its current name. The NBSRA Board has launched a new strategic plan for the organization that includes renaming and rebranding the group as the National Storage Rental Association (NSRA), as a reflection of the evolution of their business.

The strategic plan also includes the introduction of paid NSRA memberships and an initiative to deepen the group’s connection with APRO, the RTO industry, and its advocacy efforts.

“I’m extremely grateful to have been included in this annual conference at the invitation of the board,” said Smitherman. “We appreciate NSRA’s work in this special sector of rent-to-own, and look forward to an even more engaged partnership with them in the future.”

The one-day conference featured several speaker presentations – including NSRA Chairman and Backyard Leasing President Steve Byler, creative entrepreneur Harris III, former coach and sports broadcaster Dave Miller, and former Air Force One Commander Colonel Mark Tillman – as well as eight educational breakout sessions, covering topics like How to Confidently Talk Money to Investors or Bankers, Does Your P/L Reflect Gross Margins Correctly?, and Shedding Light on the Driver’s Seat.

NSRA will hold its annual board meeting in conjunction with RTO World 2025 next August in Omaha, Nebraska, and its 2025 Annual Conference during the Shed Builder Expo next September in Knoxville, Tennessee.

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