APRO recently held the second quarterly State President Meetup of 2024, bringing more than 15 state rental dealer associations (RDAs) together via video conference. The quarterly meetups are a chance for these industry leaders to network with each other, discuss upcoming RTO events, plan for the upcoming year, and learn more about issues important to the rent-to-own industry.
The Q2 meetup began with Dustin Mena, Vice President of Growth for APRO associate member Paydit Inc., who gave a brief demo of his company’s automated debt-collection software, as well as an update on its integration with High Touch Technologies and VersiRent/Ideal Software Systems.
Then, APRO CEO Charles Smitherman offered a recap of the 2024 Legislative Conference, the culmination of APRO’s Advocacy Awareness Month. Smitherman emphasized the excitement and success of the inaugural class of Legislative Fellows – a select group of RTO employees and first-time conference attendees learning to educate elected officials about the benefits of rent-to-own – and the state presidents discussed ways to engage even more fellows for next year’s conference.
APRO General Counsel Ed Winn III next provided an overview of APRO’s newly updated 2024 RTO Rules and Regulations, outlining key regulations and laws by state. Smitherman also addressed how the association might support more state legislative days, and open houses with state lawmakers.
Finally, call participants touched on streamlining the process for APRO’s State RDA awards, upcoming state association annual meetings and legislative days, and newly up-and-running state organizations – including the Carolinas Rental Dealers Association (NC, SC), the Central Rockies Rental Dealers Association (CO, UT, WY), and the Southwest Rental Dealers Association (AZ, CA, NV). The Texas Association of Rental Agencies, or TARA, is refreshed and ready to go with new leadership, and the New York Rental Dealers Association is officially joining the ranks of the Northeast Rental Dealers Association (CT, MA, NY, RI). We thank all of our dedicated state leaders!