Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

Get to Know Your Board Members | Travis Robbins

Name: Travis Robbins

What is your current title/role?

I serve as General Counsel / Corporate Secretary for Progressive Holdings, Inc (PROG).

How many years have you been working in rent-to-own?

Ten years.

What did you do before you began working in RTO?

I was a partner at a law firm.

What is your favorite thing about rent-to-own?

Rent-to-own is the best opportunity for many credit-challenged individuals to obtain items they need for themselves and their families at a price they can afford.

What has been your proudest professional moment?

I helped a low-income family who couldn’t afford an attorney work through the legal process of adopting children.

Why did you want to be a member of APRO’s Board of Directors?

I met a number of APRO’s members at RTO World in San Antonio last year, and I was impressed by the depth of knowledge and experience each member had. I was particularly impressed with how interested members were in the virtual rent-to-own model and how VRTO members fit under the larger APRO tent.

What’s your favorite non-work-related way to spend your time?

My wife and I recently adopted three young children after being their foster parents for a year, and that takes up most of my non-work-related time. We’ve taken them on vacations to Disney World, Dollywood, and Hawaii, but at the end of the day they’d probably say they prefer the Dino Museum close to our house. It’s like Christmas Day, when kids open up their presents and play with the cardboard boxes.

What’s your “happy place,” and why?

Right now, it’s probably my office (see my above answer for why that may be the case). Just kidding – I love spending time with my family!

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