Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

APRO Launches New Legislative Conference Fellowship Program

APRO’s Legislative Conference is the most important event of the year for APRO and the rent-to-own industry. APRO member rental dealers and vendors visit Capitol Hill to educate our federal lawmakers about the industry, establish relationships with members of Congress, and advocate for issues that are critical to the success and preservation of the rent-to-own industry. These visits to D.C. advance, preserve, and protect the interests of the RTO industry by communicating the perspectives and views of APRO members to government officials at the federal level.

APRO is excited to launch the Legislative Conference Fellowship Program to support the development of RTO dealers as champions and advocates for the industry who can educate others about the benefits of the industry, creating knowledgeable and happy employees who understand and view their work from other perspectives.

The fellowships are generously sponsored by state Rental Dealer Associations and Ashley Furniture Industries. The fellowships are valued at $1,000 each, and cover the registration fee, 2 nights’ stay in the host hotel, and a transportation voucher to and from the airport; APRO will book the fellows’ hotel and register the fellows. Fellows will be responsible for the cost of their transportation or airfare to Washington, D.C.

Interested candidates must submit a short online application no later than February 15, 2024; applications will be evaluated by a committee of 2-3 dealer members, and fellows will be notified by February 23, 2024.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Supervisor has confirmed that employee is available to attend the event in Washington D.C.
  • Engaged and motivated employees interested in learning more about the industry
  • Committed to sharing what they learn when they return home
  • Working in RTO business less than 10 years – this fellowship is not intended for seasoned RTO employees
  • Have not attended APRO Legislative Conference previously
  • Must work for an APRO member company
  • Agrees to complete APRO advocacy training

Click here to apply today!

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