Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

Get to Know Your Vendor Advisory Committee | Brian Rosen

Name: Brian Rosen

What is your current title/role?

I am the National Sales Manager for Nektova (a U.S.-based global independent distributor of branded consumer electronics).

How many years have you been working in rent-to-own?

I have been in RTO about 11 years, working at SED International and Florida State Games.

How did your career path lead you to work with RTO? 

My father, Denis Rosen, has been in the rent-to-own industry as a vendor for about 30 years.

What is your favorite thing about rent-to-own?

The family aspect of the industry, the people, and the way colleagues strive to help each other out – a characteristic not found in many industries.

What has been your proudest professional moment?

I have a few proud moments, such as winning RTO awards like Vendor of the Year, Rookie of the Year, Soaring Eagle Award, and Executive Club, to name just a few. Being elected to the Vendor Advisory Committee (VAC) is another proud moment!

Why did you want to be a member of APRO’s Vendor Advisory Committee?

Joining the VAC represents an opportunity for me to broaden my skills, deepen my rent-to-own expertise, and stay at the forefront of industry developments.

What issues do you hope to work on, and what sort of difference do you hope to make, during your time on the VAC?

I intend to help enhance tradeshow attendance and contribute substantially to legislative endeavors crucial to the RTO industry however I can.

What’s your favorite non-work-related way to spend your time?

I enjoy spending time with my wife, Kelli, and son, Brendan. We love going to Universal Studios and watching University of Michigan football. Go, Blue!

What’s your “happy place,” and why?

My “happy place” is spending time with my family, no matter where we are, because we always find a way to make our time together fun and filled with laughter.

Please share a favorite quotation, lyric, or saying, and what it means to you.

I’ve got two (LOL) business-related quotes I like:

“Whenever you see a successful business,

someone once made a courageous decision.” – Peter F Drucker-

“Great things in business are never done by one person.” – Steve Jobs –

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