Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

RTO World 2023 Speaker Series: Jason Winters

In this series, learn about RTO World 2023 speakers, and what you’ll take away from their education session.

Jason Winters, Regional Manger, Impact RTO Holdings, dba Rent-a-Center

Tell us more about yourself and your interest in sharing your RTO expertise with others. What motivates you to share the “secrets of your success”?

I have been in this business for over 23 years and I have made every mistake imaginable. That fact beyond any other is what qualifies me to share the knowledge I have acquired the hard way. If I can help anyone avoid the jams and potholes I have found myself in, I absolutely want to do so. Many mentors over the years have shared their knowledge with me and I want to pay it forward. It is actually my favorite part of my job. 

Describe your session at RTO World 2023, and what attendees can hope to walk away with, e.g., actionable advice, new ideas, etc.

I hope to provide a fun way to explain how the RTO transaction really works monetarily and provide a framework for understanding the importance of protecting and refurbishing your merchandise. I’ll also spend time explaining the importance of providing a top-notch delivery experience and EXPLAINING your agreement. This presentation is geared toward anyone who wants to help their store managers and team members understand the impact they personally have on profitability and how to use the tools we provide to maximize the benefit for everyone including the customer. The Jefferey story is a true compilation of lessons hard earned by me as a new store manager in the business.

What’s your favorite saying or word and why is it important to you?

Just do the right thing. You usually can feel in your gut what the right thing is in each scenario. If you follow your gut in most instances and do what feels right by you, the company and the customer, you will stay out of trouble most times. There may be a better way to go about things that you don’t know yet, and screwing up is how you learn those better ways. As long as you can justify why what you did seemed like the right thing to do in that situation, you won’t get into too much trouble. Let your conscience be your guide and don’t ever be afraid to make a decision and act – just do what feels right, for everyone concerned. 

What makes you laugh?

The combo of Will Ferrell and John C. Riley will never not be funny.

Want to learn more from Jason? Be sure to register for RTO World 2023!

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