Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

On Belay! State Rental-Dealer Association on the Climb

Colorado rental dealers are leveling up: They recently held an organizational call and unanimously decided to create the Central Rockies Rental Dealers Association – welcoming not only Coloradoans, but also Utah- and Wyoming-based RTO companies.

This effort is part of the APRO Strategic Plan, an initiative undertaken by the Board of Directors that includes the goal of advancing state rental-dealer associations. The State Network workgroup aims to strengthen the nationwide network of state rent-to-own associations by supporting active states and reviving inactive or dormant states. The workgroup, prioritizing states with a demonstrated need, is targeting RTO companies located in Colorado, New York, and North and South Carolina.

The newly formed Central Rockies Association aims to hold its inaugural in-person meeting in conjunction with RTO World 2023, in August in San Antonio, Texas. The association is currently working toward building a board of directors and identifying officers; if you or your company are interested in joining and/or leading this new organization, please contact Spencer Smith of Smith Group (TUR LLC) dba Aaron’s Sales & Lease Ownership at

If you’re interested in helping form state rental-dealer associations in New York or the Carolinas, please contact APRO at And congratulations, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming rental dealers – keep on climbing!

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