Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

Benefit Marketing Solutions Acquires PTS Benefit Services


Aon PLC, a multinational financial services firm, recently announced the expansion of the firm’s rent-to-own business with the acquisition of the RTO club portfolio of APRO member PTS Benefit Services (PTS).

“This acquisition will allow our industry-leading team to bring our depth of experience, quality of RTO club programs, and regulatory compliance expertise to more clients,” said Brad Denison, CEO of Aon’s Benefit Marketing Solutions (BMS), also an APRO member. “Our team can’t wait to work with these clients to safeguard their businesses and their customers, and to help them thrive.”

PTS’ book of business will be integrated into BMS’s identity as the membership-club provider for 90% of rent-to-own stores that offer a club program. BMS has a 35-year proven track record of protecting its clients, their customers, and the RTO industry. “It has been an honor to serve our friends in rent-to-own for the past 12 years, and we’ll surely miss being a part of such a great industry,” said Tony Farrell, PTS President. “But Aon is a global leader of professional services, and we know our RTO friends will continiue to be well-served.”

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