Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

Tennessee Dealers Listen and Learn at Annual Meeting

Dan Fisher (at podium) and Tricia Fisher (seated to his right) of Majik Rent-To-Own share their best practices for hiring and retaining good people at the Tennessee Rental Dealers Association’s Annual Meeting.

Members and vendors of the Tennessee Rental Dealers Association (TRDA) gathered for the group’s annual meeting in late June in downtown Nashville, following a delicious dinner together at Morton’s The Steakhouse. The event, sponsored by 11 generous vendors, was attended by 9 of those vendors and 16 TRDA members.

Members and vendors alike enjoyed keynote speakers Dan and Tricia Fisher of Pennsylvania-based Majik Enterprises International Inc., dba Majik Rent-To-Own. The couple shared their best practices for hiring and retaining good people in today’s difficult labor market, including their recruitment process, benefits, incentives, and training programs.

Other speakers included attorney Jim Roberts of the Creditor Law Center, who updated attendees on current bankruptcy and legal issues in Tennessee. Trent Agin, President of SKC Enterprises Inc., dba Rent One, spoke about current industry trends, the “buy now pay later” options now available in the marketplace, and how to sell the value of the rent-to-own transaction.

Carl Coble, Owner of Hogan Coble LLC, dba ColorTyme Rent To Own, talked to the group about the lifeblood of RTO – sales. Carl gave examples of creative ways to excite customers, such as huge Black Friday-type sales events.

Finally, the TRDA membership re-elected its current board members to new two-year terms: President – Chris Bolin of Bolin Rental Purchase; Vice President – Ryan Schaefer of My Family Home Furnishings LLC; Secretary/Treasurer – Eddie Ford of Rent-A-Center Inc.; Board Member – Trent Agin; and Board Member – Carl Coble.

“I think everyone took a few great ideas away from this event,” said continuing TRDA President Chris Bolin. “These meetings are really about fellowship, sharing, and learning something positive, and we definitely achieved all of that.”

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