Association of Progressive Rental Organizations | America’s Champion for Rent-to-Own

Don’t Miss Out On The Latest Industry News!

APRO is now partnering with Naylor Association Solutions for the distribution of our digital publications including RTO Today, the industry’s bi-weekly e-newsletter. Our rent-to-own e-newsletter is the source for what’s happening in the rent-to-own world, and we don’t want you to miss out! To ensure receipt of your communications and to avoid Naylor-sent emails getting caught in your spam filters, it may be necessary to add Naylor as a safe sender to your contacts.

What is safe sender?

Safe senders are people or organizations that regularly email large lists of addresses with non-spam material, such as newsletters or other digital publications.

How do I add Naylor as a safe sender?

Simply add Naylor’s email domain,, to your safe sender list or address book. You can do this by going into your email program and adding to your contact list.

What if my eNewsletters are still blocked by my firewall or my Internet service provider?

If you’re already on our mailing list but suspect your subscribed newsletters are being blocked, we suggest looking into your firewall program and unblocking Naylor’s domain within that program. If you believe the problem lies with your Internet service provider, we recommend sending an email with the Naylor domain to your ISP along with a short explanation that Naylor’s emails are part of your association’s communications and are not spam.

For more information about RTO Today, Naylor’s email servers and marketing emails, contact us at 800/204-2776,

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