Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

Maria’s Dream Lives On

Dan and Tricia Fisher recently bought Avenue Guesthouse and Gallery in Lititz, PA. They used this opportunity to create a local art gallery and charity space in memory of their daugher Maria.

Tucked in a stone building built nearly 300 years ago, the Avenue Guesthouse and Gallery is a living tribute to Maria Fisher. The Avenue, which combines a bed & breakfast inn, an art gallery, and charity venue, is a fusion of two generations of Fisher family dreams. Longtime APRO members Dan and Tricia Fisher bought the building to fulfill their dream of owning a bed & breakfast and used the opportunity to create a local art gallery and charity space in memory of their daughter Maria.

Maria Fisher, who died in a tragic traffic accident last October, had always dreamed of creating a space to share her passion for art and music with others. The Fishers hope to make The Avenue into a space that carries on their daughter’s dream. The building, originally built in 1738, will welcome its first guests during the Lititz Fire & Ice Festival, a celebration of local history and culture. With plans for rotating the art gallery for local artists and charity events raising money for the Maria Fisher Scholarship Fund, The Avenue promises to enrich the Lititz cultural scene for years to come.

The building, originally built in 1738, will welcome its first guests during the Lititz Fire & Ice Festival, a celebration of local history and culture.

Maria was passionate about writing and performing music, playing soccer, as well as creative writing. She had written many short stories and poems, as well as a near-complete novel. Soon, in the form of The Avenue, Maria’s dream will bring light to the local arts scene. Maria’s absence is keenly felt by her family and friends, but her dream of creating a space for art and music lives on.

Click here to learn more about The Avenue Guesthouse and Gallery or visit their Facebook page online.

Images provided by Laura Knowles/Lititz Record Express.

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