Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

APRO’s Code of Ethics: Did You Know?

The APRO Code of Ethics was created alongside the association in 1980, written by APRO’s first members to establish a set of guidelines consistent with what they felt should be ingrained in the industry’s values, priorities, and ethical standards.

Today, this 14-point Code of Ethics endures as the defining guidance that APRO members agree upon in order to maintain a healthy business environment for the rent-to-own industry. As our Code of Ethics continues to be not just relevant but essential to our association and our membership four decades later, we offer this series of newsletter articles to recap and reconfirm each of these ethical standards with you.


Members shall uphold and improve the integrity of the industry by affirmations of truth and fairness, by building good will and by providing beneficial goods and services to customers and others concerned with the industry.

The fifth article of the APRO Code of Ethics spotlights the importance of integrity within the rent-to-own industry. Our mission is to deliver extraordinary value to our customers, colleagues, and communities – which can be achieved only by doing business with earnestness, honesty, and fair practices.

APRO members must relentlessly sustain the highest ethical standards within our daily operations to become trusted partners to our customers, colleagues, and communities. We build these trusting relationships by acting with consistency and integrity in everything we do – from offering high-quality products to providing superior customer service to supporting neighbors in need.

This culture of honesty must be nurtured at all levels of the industry, and all RTO employees should reaffirm their commitment to this ethics policy each year. Talking about ethics and urging fairness continually – from new-employee orientation to weekly staff meetings to long-term training – benefits not only those we serve, but also our own bottom lines and our industry as a whole.

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