Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

Kansas Rental Dealers Association Meet in Mulvane

KRDA meeting attendees Shaun Rush, Mike Strong Jr., Jim Brown, Jessica Mahon, Dennis Sheilds, Angie-Strong McCool, Mike Strong Sr. and Todd Homberger.
The Kansas Rental Dealers Association met in Mulvane, Kansas, on April 25 for its annual association meeting at the Kansas Star Casino. The event featured RTO industry updates, a vendor mixer and tradeshow followed by a day of industry-related insights and state association meeting. This year’s meeting also broke attendance records for KRDA. “We’re so excited about the turnout and enthusiasm at this year’s meeting,” says KRDA President Angela-Strong McCool. “We had more than 62 members and 12 vendors attend this year, which is the biggest turnout we’ve ever had.” The vendor mixer and trade show kicked off the event on the evening before the meeting with vendor presentations the following morning. Industry insights included a presentation on the future of RTO from APRO Director of Government Relations Apurva Naik, Facebook Marketing by Rent-2-Own Marketing and Communications Manager Jessica Mahon, an RTO legal update by APRO General Counsel Ed Winn III and a keynote presentation on the RTO Sales Process by Todd Homberger of Preferred Sales and Leasing dba/Buddy’s Home Furnishings. “I thought the presentations and informational sessions at this year’s meeting were top notch,” shares KRDA Vice President Brett Reed of the Appliance Center in Salina, Kansas. “To be able to network with others in the industry and share great knowledge and insights with each other is really invaluable.” KRDA was established in 2007 and restructured as a nonprofit organization in 2010. In 2015, KRDA created a scholarship program, administered by APRO and available to members, employees, and children of employees. Membership is open to all rent-to-own dealers with stores in Kansas and dues to join are $100 per store. KRDA’s newly elected, or re-elected, board of directors are Angela Strong McCool, president; Brett Reed, vice president; Mike Strong, treasurer; and board members Jess Fisher, Adam GreenGloria Homeier, Chuck Kuluva, Shaun Rush. For more information about KRDA, including how to join, contact Angela Strong-McCool at 620/663-3556 or at

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