The Arkansas Rental Dealers Association will meet for its annual association meeting on April 11 at the Crown Plaza in Little Rock, Arkansas. ARDA officers and a new board of directors will be selected at the meeting.
ARDA was established in April 1987 as a nonprofit organization to promote and advance the mutual interests of its members, to provide networking opportunities for other rental dealers and vendors, to keep the membership informed, to educate customers on the benefits of the rent-to-own industry, and to promote ethical practices and goodwill within the rental-purchase community.
ARDA’s operating year is May 1-April 30; thus, existing members can submit their dues at the annual meeting to keep their membership current. New members may join the state association by payment of ARDA annual dues of $200 per store for up to 20 stores. If an RTO dealer has more than 20 stores, payment is $50 for each additional store thereafter. Annual membership for vendors is $200.
For more information about ARDA, how to join or about the annual meeting on April 11, visit the ARDA website or contact the association office at 314/426-5885, ext. 1916.