Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

Valerie Villarreal Promoted to APRO Director of Marketing Communications

APRO’s Director of Marketing Communications Valerie Villarreal
Formerly APRO’s digital and social media director, Valerie Villarreal has been promoted to director of marketing and communications for the association. In this role, Villarreal will continue to report on and oversee APRO’s digital communications efforts, as well as manage and coordinate the association’s print publication, RTOHQ: The Magazine, manage association-related campaigns and oversee brand management standards. “Valerie continues to seek out and accept new challenges, and excel in them,” says APRO Executive Director Jill McClure. “She’s successful in her field because of her drive and commitment to professional growth, and as a result, has earned our trust.” Villarreal joined the association in 2015 with eight years of marketing and communications experience holding a variety of titles such as branding, marketing and web manager in agency, corporate and retail environments. New to associations, Villarreal joined the Texas Society of Association Executives (TSAE), the largest organization of Texas-based association professionals in the U.S., in efforts to learn more about association management. In 2016, she completed Leadership TSAE, a nine-month distinguished program designed for individuals dedicated to growing within the association community and learning leadership skills in that environment. She was also selected to serve on the 2016 TSAE Tech Talks Conference Task Force to assist in planning educational content by recommending and reviewing speakers and education session topics for the technology and communications related event. She serves as the Vice President of Public Relations for TSAE Toastmasters, the Texas based chapter of Toastmasters International composed of members and associated parties of TSAE, designed to empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders in public speaking. With RTOHQ: The Magazine Winter 2017 edition under her belt and Spring 2018 underway, Villarreal looks forward to tackling more projects that will continue to cultivate growth. “I have had quite the expansive journey at APRO thus far and I feel fortunate to be a part of this industry’s family,” shares Villarreal. “Almost three years ago, I was welcomed into an association rich in history and relationships and it instantly felt like home. I find great joy in being on the frontlines at industry events throughout the year, engaging with APRO members—building my very own APRO story while also fulfilling my personal commitment to professional development. Our association is undergoing a period of transformation, much of which involves recommitment and service, and I’m thrilled to help bring that to fruition for our members.”

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