Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

Aaron’s Women’s Leadership Network Hosts Second Annual “Lead Like A Girl” Program

Yesterday, the Aaron’s Women’s Leadership Network (AWLN) hosted its second annual “Lead Like A Girl” program for 13 pre-teen/early teen girls from the Boys & Girls Club of Metro Atlanta’s Mimms Club (Cherokee County). The objective of the program is to expose young at-risk girls to subject matters and professional development to which they may not otherwise be exposed so that we proactively plant seeds on options they have for their futures.  

They began with an icebreaker for introductions on how to reverse negative qualities into positive qualities, followed by Paige Mamula and Jill Young conducting a session on “Goal Setting,” showing the girls that long term goals are only a set of short-term goals away. They had a pizza party for lunch, followed by a tour of The Studio by Tracy Sackellares, and a session on Information Technology led by Sarah Countryman, David Nolan, and Tracy Sackellares. “We’ve already received an enormous amount of positive feedback from the girls, and the day was a true success,” shared Aaron’s Division Lead Counsel Heather A. Calhoun.

“Aaron’s gives a special thanks to AWLN Executive Sponsor Robbie Kamerschen, graphic designer Bryon Palmer who helped brand this year’s program, CIO John Trainor and Deputy General Counsel Ted Scartz, both of whom have been actively supporting this cause during an unusually busy workload, all of the Presenters named above who volunteered their time, and last but not least, all of Aaron’s associates who sacrificed their time to volunteer and help yesterday – the day would not have been possible without you: Penny Meegan, Vera Roads, Ciara Lewis, Tyna Dao, Ashley Worthington, Becca Maloney, Steven Smith, Ann Smith, and LaDonna Nettles,” said Calhoun. “Thank you for your commitment to changing lives and changing the course.”

About Aaron’s, Inc. Headquartered in Atlanta, Aaron’s, Inc. (NYSE: AAN), is a leading omnichannel provider of lease-purchase solutions. Aaron’s Business engages in the sales and lease ownership and specialty retailing of furniture, consumer electronics, home appliances and accessories through its more than 1,800 Company-operated and franchised stores in 47 states and Canada as well as its e-commerce platform In addition, Progressive Leasing, a virtual lease-to-own company, provides lease-purchase solutions through approximately 22,000 retail locations in 46 states. Dent-A-Med, Inc., d/b/a the HELPcard®, provides a variety of second-look credit products that are originated through federally insured banks. For more information, visit,,, and

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