Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

Nationwide Enhances Commitment to Rent-To-Own Channel

Nationwide Marketing Group signaled a ramp-up in support efforts for Rent-To-Own Dealers at the group’s most recent show in New Orleans. Industry veteran Lauren Talicska, who works extensively with the group’s Rent Direct Division and led the group’s RTO efforts at PrimeTime, reflected on the group’s recent show, saying, “Over 100 Rent-to-Own companies attended the PrimeTime Conference and Buy Fair in New Orleans, and the mix of Hot Show Deals, show specials, and education sessions was better than ever for RTO members.” The Hot Show, presented at each PrimeTime as a unique, fast-action auction format buying blitz, provides RTO Dealers with some of the best buying opportunities of the year. In New Orleans, the Hot Show was met with great anticipation, and produced encouraging results. “I nearly lost my voice calling out the paddle numbers as members rushed to get the deals in the Hot Show,“ said Talicska. “Rock bottom pricing on appliances made this RentDirect’s most successful Hot Show, with 30% more sales than August 2016.” Nationwide is conducting a national search for a new RentDirect Division leader, and has narrowed the search to a select few impeccably qualified candidates. According to Jeff Knock, of Nationwide’s Senior Leadership Team, “RentDirect is a top priority for Nationwide. One of our key plans for 2017 is to add a new leader for RentDirect, and we’re very excited about the experience, knowledge and skills of our final candidates for the position. We look forward to integrating the new leader of RentDirect by PrimeTime in Las Vegas.” The group also plans to ramp up services and assets in addition to the scores offered to RTO Members today. Knock shared detail, saying, “Nationwide is looking to build on the decades of dedication to serving our RTO Members. In addition to marketing and merchandising support, we know that there’s still much work to be done, and we look forward to remaining the group of choice for the most successful and progressive Independent RTO Dealers in North America.” Nationwide’s RentDirect will be prominently featured at the group’s PrimeTime buying show, to held in Las Vegas, August 21-24.

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