Fuse 2017 Opening Session with Jay Baer
Today was the last day of Fuse 2017 and the highly anticipated RTO Education Day. Attendees shuffled into the Galveston Island Convention Center early Thursday as they waited for this year’s opening session, Hug Your Haters: How to Embrace Complaints and Keep Your Customers with Jay Baer. The one-hour session focused on the power of customer service and the how timely and empathetic response to complaints can help your business. Baer’s session was the perfect way to kick off the day leaving attendees with insightful marketing and customer service tactics.
The remainder of APRO’s RTO Education Day consisted of three one-hour breakout sessions that gave attendees a vast variety of rent-to-own topics. Highlights included sessions from APRO’s opening session speaker, Jay Baer, Why Smart Marketing is About Help, Not Hype. Industry Insights’ Greg Manns held an informative session covering APRO’s statistical survey results that represents the most comprehensive and more importantly, up-to-date comparative financial performance of the RTO industry. APRO’s General Counsel, Ed Winn, provided his legendary legal update session, focusing on recent hot developments within the industry.
APRO’s Executive Director Bill Keese, Senior Director Member Services Shelley Martinek, Senior Director Sales & Marketing Cindy Ferguson with Fuse 2017 Closing Session speaker Matthew Dowd.
Fuse 2017: APRO’s National RTO Convention & Trade Show came to an end with the RTO Education Day’s closing session special guest, Matthew Dowd. Dowd gave a roadmap on how to navigate through uncertain times dealing with voters, consumers or employees.
We had so much fun over the last three days of Fuse 2017: APRO’s National Rent-to-Own Convention. Thank you to everyone who joined us on Galveston Island and a special thank you to all of sponsors. See you next year!
Don’t forget to complete the Fuse 2017 survey located within APRO App. You can win $100 by taking a few minutes to complete the survey for attendee or exhibitor.