Association of Progressive Rental Organizations | America’s Champion for Rent-to-Own

Do you have an exceptional customer? We’re still taking submissions!

Winners podium with lightsText or email a photo of your exceptional customer with a sentence or two on why you believe they are the best RTO customer in the world and you and your customer could each win a $100 gift card! APRO is looking for great stories about great people and why they like RTO.   It could be…
  • A quote from a customer on how rent-to-own has positively impacted their family
  • A quote from you on why they stand out as a great person
  • An interesting story about a special customer experience in your store
  • Any positive human interest story about that customer and how he/she has impacted others
You can text or email a photo of the customer with your quote/story to 512.968.4195 or Please note in your text or email that it is for the RTO Customer Contest and submit to APRO by April 24. Top entries will be recognized in RTO Today online newsletter and at Fuse: APRO’s National Rent-to-Own Convention in Galveston. Click here for Fuse 2017 schedule and registration information. Good luck! Fuse17_HR

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