Association of Progressive Rental Organizations

Rooms are going fast, you won’t want to wait another minute!

HorsebackRiding_Galveston_Fuse17_RTOHQND16Make your arrangements for the top RTO event of the year, Fuse: APRO’s National Rent-to-Own Convention May 9-11 on Galveston Island today!
Register in 3 Easy Steps!
  1. Make your travel arrangements as soon as possible. If you are flying to Houston Hobby or Bush Intercontinental, book your flights early to get the best fares. Check or to find the lowest fares.
  2. Book your room by April 10 at either of APRO’s host hotels, the Hilton Galveston Island Resort or the San Luis Resort. You will need your hotel confirmation number to get the significantly discounted convention registration rate.  It’s easiest to book online at or you can call the Hilton at 409/744-5000 or the San Luis at 800/392-5937.  APRO room rate is $159 at the Hilton and $169 at the San Luis and our group code is APRO17.  Both hotels are convenient to the convention center. (Please note: Any offers from other hotels and/or travel agencies are not endorsed by APRO and do not qualify for discounted registration.)
  3. Register with APRO for the convention by April 24. Click here to register online or by filling out and faxing/mailing/scan-emailing the printed registration form.  With valid hotel confirmation number APRO members receive full registration for just $495 per person.  See registration form for more information.
Full Registration includes all of these events at the low rate of $495 for APRO members:
  • APRO Hot Show Welcome Reception
  • Fisherman’s Wharf Gala
  • Awards Reception & Banquet
  • Exhibit Hall admission with lunch provided
  • Education Day with breakfast & lunch provided

Questions?  Call APRO at 800-204-2775. 



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