The Premier Companies, a rent to own Franchisor, with Premier Rental Purchase and Premier Home Furnishing brands, ended it’s first day of their 2017 National Convention with a moonlit beach dinner in Key Largo, Florida.
The Premier Companies began the first full day of the convention with Trooper Earle, President and CEO, discussing the State of Premier and the exciting goals for 2017.
Andy Collier, Premier’s Technology Consultant, spoke about Premier’s technological opportunities for the year. APRO’s Executive Director, Bill Keese, and Sandi Frye, Premier franchisee and APRO Board Member, presented Industry Awards to many Premier Dealers who have participated and made a difference in the Rent to Own industry.
Rent to Own industry Vendors also attend The Premier Companies Convention. Vendors had the opportunity to provide an introduction to the Dealers followed by one-on-one meetings with them during the Vendor Show.
The afternoon held a surprise for everyone. Drum Cafe presented a team building activity that was organized for all attendees. Everyone was amazed and excited with the music they were able to create as a team while beating their own drums to the same rhythm. The message proved was that when working together as a team the music is easy and beautiful, however if a piece is missing, it is more difficult to make the music whole.
Waiting for Premier Convention attendees at the end of the day was a fabulous, exquisite dinner on the Key Largo beach organized by Larkin Mott, The Premier Companies Events Coordinator. A few rain showers could not stop The Premier Companies Family from celebrating the evening together. This magnificent setting included a reggae band providing entertainment and dance for the excited and energized group.
The Premier Companies National Convention will continue through Wednesday, January 11th.
Click here to view more photos of The Premier Companies 2017 National Convention.
Contact: Nancy Price
Director of Marketing
The Premier Companies
5248 Olde Towne Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23188