For almost a decade, APRO members have contributed significantly to the Education Foundation’s Scholarship Fund, which so far has awarded $388,000 to help 125 students associated with the RTO industry pursue a college degree. This year, the Education Foundation introduces APRO’s Society for Tomorrow, an initiative to sustain the scholarship fund indefinitely through annual, ongoing commitments from APRO members. By joining the Society for Tomorrow, your annual donation helps ensure that the program thrives, nurturing even more academic pursuits for years to come and building a brighter future. Please join us!
Regent Level: $15,000 or more
Chancellor Level: $10,000-$14,000
President Level: $5,000-$9,999
Provost Level: $2,500-$4,999
Dean Level: $1,000-$2,499
Professor Level: $500-$999
Founding Member: any contribution less than $500; a contributor of $500 and above becomes a Society Member
Click here to join and donate today!
For more information about the APRO Education Foundation’s Society for Tomorrow, contact Richard May at 800/204-2776, ext. 104.